Sacramental Preparation:

Baptism:  John the Baptist Parish celebrates Baptism regularly on Sundays. Families presenting children for Baptism attend preparation on the 1st Sunday afternoon of each month at 4:00pm. Parents and sponsors (Godparents) are most welcome. Parishioners welcome and facilitate this preparation. For bookings and information contact the Parish Pastoral Centre on 9823 2572.

Penance (Confession/Reconciliation), Confirmation and First Holy Communion:  Parishioners support each other in small groups to prepare their children for these sacraments of Initiation into the Church.  Parents are initially involved in this process and attend preparation with their child and do follow up work with their child and present them at the celebrations.  Registration, preparation and celebrations dates are advertised in our weekly Parish bulletin.

Penance (Confession/Reconciliation) is usually celebrated in November for Year 3 students.
First Communion is usually celebrated mid-year for students in Year 4.
Confirmation is usually celebrated during Term 3 of school for students in Year 6.

Preparation is very important and parents need to attend registration to be fully briefed and informed.

Adult Education Faith Formation – The Parish provides weekly scripture readings, sacramental preparation, homilies, visiting speakers and preachers, visiting confessors, Lenten Diocesan Groups and Bible Study Groups. Contact the Parish Office for contacts for each group on 9823 2572.


Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programs 2018

There will be no Reconciliation sacramental program in 2018 and accordingly no Holy Communion program in 2019.

The reason for this decision is that children will now be required to be older when preparing for their Sacraments.  It is hoped that this extra year will allow children to have a better understanding of the church teachings and the meaning of the sacraments.

The next Reconciliation program will be held in November 2019, any children in grades Year 3 and above can apply to enrol in that program.

The next Holy Communion program will be held in June 2020, for any children who have made their Reconciliation and are in grades Year 4 and above can apply to enrol in that program.

For further information please contact the Core Group Leaders, Kylie or Tamara or the Parish Office on 9823 2572.